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Let Me Be Your Swing!

This is the only program of it's kind!

Learn multiple roles or "tracks" in the same show and perform them!

This 12 week course will go over healthy singing, acting, and dancing technique as well as how to focus.

Each performance will be professionally filmed and edited into DVDs or video links!

Learn what it takes to be a professional swing!

Exact Dates: TBD

Location: TBD

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 6pm-10pm

Saturdays 3pm-9pm

18 hours per week for 12 weeks = 216 hours of training plus multiple performances.

Online Audition Submissions are being accepted now.

Please prepare a short monologue and two contrasting songs that showcase you as a performer,

slate in the beginning of the video, tell is why you want to take this course, and tell us a little about yourself.

Please keep the video 10 minutes long at most.

Please upload the link to youtube and make it "unlisted".

Tips: No window or light behind you. Wear no logos or flashy jewelry.

Please check microphone and music volume for no sound distortion.


This program is for professional minded and advanced adults as well open to exceptional teens.

This exciting new class is limited to only 10-16 students and is $1,600 per student.

(That's only $7.41 per hour and filming/editing is included in the price!)

Performances will be held in a NJ or NYC venue.

Tickets for adults are $12 each.

Tickets for students/senior citizens are $8 each.

Prepay by cash or check.

If there are tickets left, door tickets will be sold. Cash only at the door.

Please note that no children under the age of 6 are allowed in the theater.

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